Winter Ice

Winter Ice

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Winter Canvas!

The powder blue sky today has created a pure canvas for a garden painting! It looks amazing!

The sun sizzles the snow and broadcasts it everywhere like tiny raw diamonds. This sprinkling of shiny gems covers the Winter Gardens with a cozy white blanket. It shelters it from the cold until Spring, when tiny little green shoots pop their heads out and proclaim that the upcoming season is approaching.

A fuzzy gray squirrel is sitting on top of a fence post shaking his grayish red tail while preening himself before he scurries onto the chunky frozen pond to find a teeny tiny hole to drink from. I patiently wait for his feeder friends the cardinals to appear in Hope Garden. In all their glorious ruby splendor they never fail to take my breath away! Black Capped Chickadee's arrive too and claim their share of the bounty that has been offered to them and their furry friends. Feasting on this meal I can hear their chirping of heartfelt songs available to everyone that wants to listen!

The office window provides a panoramic view of my gardens. The painting today is of winter in all her cold and stark beauty. The icicles drip ever so slowly from the copper downspout and provide dramatic vignettes on the canvas. There is much to this painting and I want to savor it for the special sequestered spot in my memory that elicits joy and awe.

All the colors are accented by a fierce background of white and a high thick covering of blue! The sunset tonight sends splashes of gold and pink that penetrate the dagger shaped icicle creating a most magical event this evening!

I am blessed to be able to see such slendor unfolding before me everyday that I take the time to look and ingest my surroundings!

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